Biden Government Health

Breaking News: Biden’s Dental Drama Derails His Schedule

President Joe Biden had to reschedule his entire day after unexpectedly undergoing a root canal procedure. The decision to undergo the dental procedure was made after Biden experienced discomfort in his lower right premolar. The first part of the procedure took place on Sunday, and it was announced on Monday morning that the second part would be completed later that day. The president was reported to be experiencing “further discomfort,” prompting the need for immediate attention.

As a result of the dental procedure, Biden’s public schedule had to be modified. He was originally slated to deliver remarks honoring the men’s and women’s NCAA championship teams from the 2022-2023 season. However, Vice President Kamala Harris stepped in to fulfill that commitment on his behalf. Additionally, his planned bilateral meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the White House reception for Chiefs of Mission had to be rescheduled for the following day.

The White House emphasized that Biden would not be placed under anesthesia during the root canal procedure and stated that the 25th amendment, which addresses presidential succession in case of incapacitation, would not be invoked. It’s worth noting that Biden underwent anesthesia in 2021 for a routine colonoscopy, during which he temporarily transferred power to Vice President Harris. In February of the same year, he had a cancerous skin lesion removed from his chest.

The unexpected root canal procedure disrupted President Biden’s schedule, but the White House took swift action to adjust his commitments accordingly. The president’s health and well-being remain a priority, and the dental procedure was deemed necessary to address his discomfort.

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