Crime DeSantis Health Politics

DeSantis Drops Bombshell: Jail Time for Child Sex-Change Surgeons!

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making headlines once again, this time with his strong stance against doctors who perform irreversible sex-change surgeries on children. In a recent appearance on the “Dinesh D’Souza Podcast,” DeSantis emphasized that those doctors “should go to jail for that.”

The governor signed a new bill, Senate Bill 254, into law, which not only outlaws transgender surgery and puberty blockers for minors but also grants the victims the ability to sue the physicians responsible for the procedures. DeSantis expressed his concern for individuals who undergo such surgeries as minors, stating that they now have to deal with irreversible changes for the rest of their lives.

DeSantis criticized these “rogue” and “ideological” physicians who prioritize their own beliefs over evidence-based medicine. He argued that their actions violate the Hippocratic Oath and emphasized that it is fundamentally wrong. The governor also highlighted the importance of holding these doctors accountable and ensuring that they face the consequences of their actions.

In addition to his criticism of these medical professionals, DeSantis voiced his concerns about the politicization of the U.S. medical establishment. He compared Florida’s approach to that of Sweden, which restricted gender transition procedures for minors due to concerns about long-term side effects. DeSantis commended Sweden for prioritizing evidence-based medicine over ideology and suggested that the U.S. should follow suit.

The governor’s stance aligns with other prominent figures who have spoken out against gender-altering procedures on minors. Tesla CEO Elon Musk, for instance, has argued that parents or doctors who sterilize children before they are consenting adults should be imprisoned for life. Musk has been vocal in his disapproval of gender-transitioning minors and the potential irreversible consequences they may face.

DeSantis’ strong position on this issue reflects his commitment to protecting the rights and well-being of children in Florida. By signing Senate Bill 254 into law, he aims to prevent further medical malpractice and give victims a legal avenue for seeking justice.

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