Biden Crime Government Media Politics

Shocking Truth: Mainstream Media Hides 11 Biden Family Scandals

On Wednesday House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer led a press conference that extensively detailed how the Biden family and their business associates may have received more than $10 million from foreign nationals during Joe Biden’s term as Vice President.

The charges of influence peddling by the Biden family are so serious and startling that it could have dominated the broadcast network (ABC, CBS, NBC) evening and morning shows. So how much time did the Big Three nets (on their Wednesday evening and Thursday morning shows) actually devote to the press conference led by House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer?

Zero seconds.

Simply stunning.

There was a brief moment back in April, when it looked like ABC, CBS, NBC were going to actually do their job and cover the story, but it only lasted four days.

Beginning on April 19 the networks (briefly covered) the news that The Wall Street Journal reported that a whistleblower who works in the IRS’s criminal investigation division came forward to reveal that the Biden administration is allegedly giving Hunter Biden preferential treatment and has tried to stonewall the investigation into the alleged tax crimes Hunter committed. Read more…

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